Spinning up the machinery... by ClockworkZen

Welcome to Clockwork Zen Studios!

As you may have noticed, the site is rather sparse at the moment.

Right now, Clockwork Zen Studios is a one man operation. I have a full time job, and I'm working on several creative projects on the side, which means that updates will be rather slow for the time being.

The current goals of Clockwork Zen Studios is to produce two PC games, and port those games to additional platforms if viable.

The currently untitled projects are as follows:

"Steampunk Adventure Game"

This game will be a side-scrolling game similar to Metroid or Castlevania. The intent is to provide players a sprawling map with diverse environments, enemies, ability upgrades, and boss fights while exploring a rich story that compels players towards their goal.

This is currently the primary project for the studio. Concept and story outline are complete, game design documents and feature set are currently underway.


"Psychological Thriller Game"

This game is planned to be a side-scrolling game similar to Home. The intent is to provide players with a narrative heavy game world with emphasis on survival and light puzzle mechanics while avoiding combat. 

This is a secondary project for the studio. Concept and story outline are still underway.


As these projects progress towards completion, the project pages will be updated with further details about the story, mechanics, and concept art.